what it is: the perfect matte/shimmer complimentary duo eyeshadow in a luxurious good for your skin blend easy to use and good for your skin.
what it does: simple shadow duo's accentuate eyes in two complementary shades, one matte, and one crystal shimmer.
ingredient benefits: a super antioxidant blend of jojoba, Lavender, Green Tea, Rosemary, and Magnolia Bark and natural SPF 15. shadow duos in a luxurious natural matte formula providing, smooth, long-lasting, matte mineral light refraction technology that melts in the skin creating a natural highlight and glow.
what else: classic beautiful combos for every eye shade. These matte & shimmer formulas are simple and accentuate every eye shade. The creamy formula leaves the eyes perfectly glowing never powdery like talc powders.
$29.00 nt. wt. 1.8 g